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October Actioneer Meeting Recap

Lots of great things happening here in our little ol' town. We are so excited to be a part of it!

October is shaping up to be a very busy month for us! We will be doing a Downtown Walking Tour THIS coming Sunday, October 11th. We will meet at the Dry Cleaner's parking lot on Main Street at 2:00pm. The purpose of this walking tour will be to scope out our strengths and weaknesses as a potential Trail Town destination. How can we be more inviting to tourists and to our own patrons? We will identify problems and opportunites and future projects to tackle. Bring your camera, lots of pics will be needed for documentation purposes! Also, bring gloves & a trash bag and we'll pick up as we go along. Hope you can join us!

We will also be taking an Actioneer Adventure on Thursday, October 22nd to hike to the Rockhouse. We'll meet at Meade's parking lot at 5:00pm and hike to the top! This will be a great time to get out and about & enjoy the beauty of Fall in these hills!

Friends of Lily Mountain is looking for volunteers for their Forest of the Undead Zombie Hike, which is happening on Friday, October 23rd & 24th. Come out and help with this super fun event or just come & try to make it out of the woods a "survivor"! Here's the flyer with contact details at the bottom:

Thursday, October 29th is the Treak-or-Treat Trot on Broadway... and also the Thriller Zombie Walk that's being hosted by the River City Players...learn Michael Jackson's Thriller dance and take to the streets! Check out the River City Players Community Theatre Group on Facebook to find the practice dates! It's $10 to participate and all the proceeds go to the Save the Mack Fund.

EAG is also planning another volleyball tournament--on Halloween, October 31st! Teams: wear your best costumes! An after-party of some sort will follow. Details are still being ironed out, so stay tuned!

We're ready to really get the ball rolling with this Trail Towns application process! We are setting a goal for April--Mushroom Festival--to have our application submitted & ready for our walk through. We can do it!

Remember: "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed it's the only thing that ever has."

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